Climate Change Institute
Education Direct Action Justice Innovation Stewardship
The Climate Change Leadership Institute (CCLI) is a non profit organization dedicated to phasing out greenhouse gas emissions & empowering community thru the ethics of conservation, the adoption of clean energy and the act of taking responsibility as a civil society. To these ends, we offer direct action projects & seed grants as well as other encouraging steps for solving the climate crisis together.

Our Theme Song


7F project
About walking four directions
Composting Pilot Project Banner
New Mexico Healthy Soil Initiattive

Our Mission

CCLI believes communities have the strength to raise our nation - the highest per capita and historical emitter of greenhouse gases - up to the forefront in helping sustain life and liberty on earth. It is incumbent on us to completely break away from the fossil fuel economy that caused and perpetuates the climate challenge threatening civilization and instead to power our society wholly with renewable energy and state of the art energy efficiency with a premium on conservation. As we carry out the new era of energy and restoration - comprehensively committing to sustainability and righting climate injustices - we will once again serve as a beacon of light in the world.

In carrying out the mission – working through community and civil society to advance bold US leadership addressing climate change and uplifting those most vulnerable – the Climate Change Leadership Institute adopts the following central organizing principles and approaches to change-making:

Direct Action


Past/on-going Activities:

CCLI's 2023 News

CCLI's 2022 News

CCLI's 2021 News

2020 direct action projects & seed grant awards

2019 direct action projects & seed grant awards

2018 direct action projects & seed grant awards

2017 direct action projects & seed grant awards

2016 direct action projects & seed grant awards

2015 direct action projects & seed grant awards

2014 Seed Grant Award Recipients

2013 Seed Grant Award Recipients

2012 Seed Grant and Leadership Award Winners

CCLI's 2011 News

CCLI's 2010 News

CCLI's 2009 News

Robert Kennedy Quote

The Climate Change Leadership Institute
C Change Project-Connecting caring people to climate solutions Together creating a sea change in America
2019 Flyer See Overview


Climate Leadership Challenge
bike challenge
click here to learn about, register in, sponsor or donate to CCLI's Fall 2018 Leadership Luncheon & Family/Kids Climate Ride Outdoor Challenge
- Sunday, Oct. 21st
Coalition of New Mexico
Businesses for Climate Leadership
Click here for the Climate Leadership Pledge
click the following links to participate in LEAD YOUR REVOLUTION (ccli's member site and social action network for clean energy & climate stewardship), CARBON OFFSET & COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT (standing up for a nationwide carbon fee & dividend program), COOL THE CLIMATE (a climate leadership endeavor), CONSERVATION QUEST (an energy & water conservation challenge), and LIFT THE FOG (a sustainable development action plan to make oil & gas drilling and fracking more responsible).
Lead Your Revolution!
Santa Fe's Carbon Offset ~ Community Service Project
The Climate Leadership Weekend of Events to Benefit this Project
Click here to learn more
CCLI's Action Project - Cool the ClimateThe Conservation Quest
Lift the Fog America
Phone: 505.988.3364  ©2005
Introduction Register 10 Ways to Conserve Forces, Facts, Figures